Thursday 8 November 2012

Loosing And Gaining Faith

Its strange, as my faith in the Gods grows so do I loose faith in humanity in general. The Gods grant me dreams and visions to interperate whilst humanity walks all over me and then complains about my dirty clothes... I just don't know anymore (not like I knew in the first place!)


Monday 5 November 2012

A connection with... something!

For the very first time today when I was meditating I felt, it felt like a peice of string leaving me and going off somewhere, I then felt the string get caught on something then I 'woke up' and couldnt get back to it. But still I FELT A CONNECTION! :D

Saturday 3 November 2012


It would seem the world is based loosely around cycles, either that or a massive dose of coincidence. My mental well being drops, meet a nice person, get better and now its happening again? Time to dig out the runes again I think!


A new age of blogging has begun!

After the rather poor start on Wordpress I thought it was high time for a restart with a new provider and stuff. The same sort of thing will appear here as did on the last blog I had, random musings, the odd picture etc...  I'm liking this already!
